
Showing posts from June, 2014

Slow-cooked Salmon for the Week

In a wide and low slow cooker, add half a cup of water, a few drops of extra virgin olive oil (EVOL), some shakes of salf and pepper, and two cloves of chopped garlic. The water is to prevent sticking or burning. The EVOL is for tenderness and taste (rather than butter). Garlic is for health. Salt and pepper are for taste. Salmon is a very simple fish that does not need many herbs and spices.   A closer look Place salmon with space for each one to breathe.  Cover and let cook on low heat.   After one hour or longer, the salmon is ready. I cook it for the week to use on salads, sandwiches, as the center of attention for low-carb or no-carb meals, and so on. --Frances Ohanenye maintains this unusual site. Click on the "Open Source Cooking" tab for enlightening information. Thanks for visiting. Have a fruitful day!

Enjoy Chipotle Vegetarian Bowl at My House

The first time I had a Chipotle bowl, my daughter brought it home to me, and I had a tantalizing meal. Since then, I have been making the dish myself when I feel like it. Eat well and thrive! Only healthy cooking and eating take place at my house. Slice the peppers on a cutting board (left). Sautee in a large pan (below). Boil pinto beans and brown rice separately. Simmer brown rice (right) on low heat until soft.  Boil pinto beans (left) until soft. Season to taste. Prepare tomato sauce: EVOL, four large fresh tomatoes, herbs, and spices until tomato loses its sharpness and is mellow. Season to taste. Tomato sauce (right) is made from scratch. Stack the food in a dish with brown rice at the bottom (left). Add cooked and tasty pinto beans (above, far right). Follow with delicious tomato sauce (above). Follow with sauteed peppers (right). Top with washed and cut strips of lettu

Happy Father's Day with Kate Spade, Cordon Bleu, and Simple Dining!

Here is a couple of delectable salmon dishes for your beloved or for yourself. What better day to cook this dish than today? Who better to help you prepare them than Kate Spade, Cordon Bleu, and Simple Dining? Kate Spade Japanese bowl (top left); Cordon Bleu mug (below left)                   Simple Dining China bowl (Chinese influence) And the meal preparation: Salmon sandwich and Salmon as a main course: Inside Kate Spade is green pepper and inside Simple Dining are mushrooms. Green pepper and portobello mushroom:   Sliced                                                                 Secret recipe salmon sauce (left)                     Cover and chill until needed (right).   Pepper and mushroom are sauteed in EVOL.   Ready!                                        Pan-seared salmon (right) Simmer and blanch baby carrots and broccoli. Pan-seared salmon burried under pepper-mushroom combo.  Sandwich: Slather secret sauce, pile mushroom, green pepper,