Skinless and Boneless Cod and Chicken in Okro Soup

My go-to/quick-fix Nigerian soup is okro/okra (okworo--Igbo) soup. It is unpretentious like salmon. Its other relatives, egusi and ogbono, are full of drama and require too much attention and time, and too many ingredients.

Most of the time, I don't add green leaf vegetables to the okro soup. I mash it with potato masher once it gets hot and soft and (still) green. I  just enjoy the taste of fresh okro,

My daughter and my son-in-law can't get enough of my okra soup.

28-oz fresh okra, chopped
Skinless/boneless chicken breast
Broth from boiling the chicken
Skinless/boneless frozen cod
16-oz chopped spinach
Palm oil (2 tablespoons)
Crushed red pepper
Pure Himalayan sea salt

**I don't use Maggi cubes or such cooking aids since I don't know what's in them.

--Frances Ohanenye maintains this unusual site. Click on the "Open Source Cooking" tab for enlightening information. Thanks for visiting. Have a fruitful day!


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