Rich and Textured Salads Are My Specialty

I just love to make my salads rich, textured, and different from each other. The key is to add different types of protein: Egg, cold-water/wild-caught fish, nuts, skinless & boneless low-fat meat, beans, etc. 

Other times I add these vegetables and fruits that are rich in protein: Broccoli, spinach, green peas, mushrooms, Brussell sprouts, arugula, and fruits: Mandarin orange strips, strawberries, and avocado.

Left picture: Start with shredded lettuce; add one boiled egg, peanuts, and one can of sardine; mix. Middle: Add black olives, shredded carrots, and jalapenos. Right: Mix some more. 

Enjoy the soft and crunchy combination!

--Frances Ohanenye maintains this visual "cookbook" that features processes and ingredients in pictures. The offerings have evolved into vegetarian and food-allergy recipes. Other cooks and chefs should calibrate according to their locale, availability, and preference. Click on "Open Source Cooking" ( for additional information. Thanks for visiting.


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