Sour Dough Bread: Fewer Is Better
When it comes to healthy eating, the fewer the ingredients, the better (healthier) the food. This is even truer when those ingredients are detrimental to the body and/or are difficult to pronounce because they are not from nature.
Aldi's Specially Selected Sour Dough Bread beats Oroweat Country Style Sour Dough Bread on almost all points: Value, size, look, taste, and nutrition. Aldi's bread has no sugar, whey, citric acid, soybeans, soy lecithin, grain vinegar, vegetable oil, and added "natural" flavor. Orowbeat is loaded down with things I do not need.
Aldi's sour dough bread is lower in calories and total fat and higher in dietary fiber. It does have more sodium by 1% and less calcium (0%) than Oroweat (4%). Both have the same amount of protein and carbohydrate.