My Energizing Miracle Smoothie: Mix. Drink. Live.

Pollen has held me a hostage for years. Not 2018! The shackles have broken off!

History: Pollen made me so miserable that I would receive pollen shots several times a week just to survive. Pollen used to make me so sick that I missed 30 days of work, one month in one academic year. Pollen used to immobilize me so much that my doctor suggested creating a unique medicine for me at $2,000 every four months.

The worst part of pollen's effect is the fever that enervates me, drains me, makes me so miserable I stay homebound for days.

One day in February 2018, I was coming back from an indoor wedding, but going in and out of the car and into buildings filled my nose, eyes, and throat with so much pollen that I was having difficulty driving. I was popping several cough drops every five minutes and jamming my fingers into my ears to relieve the itching and was hacking and sneezing and clicking my tongue to rid my throat of whatever was itching and clogging it.

When I got home, something propelled me to make a smoothie. I ransacked my fridge. All I had were spinach, kale, carrots, and pineapple.

Miracle: I was raised with the habit and belief of using natural foods as medicine, but little did I know that four ingredients (and water) would rid me of much misery. I mixed the four ingredients, added water, and drank a cup.

When someone says, "It dawned on me," he or she might not be literal about the verb. After I drank the smoothie, it truly DAWNED on me that I had not hacked, jabbed my fingers into my ears, sneezed, clicked my tongue, or done anything as a result of pollen's devastating effects.

I froze in my realization!

It DAWNED on me that I had not eaten one cough drop in almost one hour. With the way my entire body was SILENT and WIDE OPEN, a car could have driven through my nasal passage. A truck could have passed through my throat.

At first, I attributed the miracle to the krill oil and the calcium tablets I had taken earlier. I had to eliminate both medicines. I had been taking krill oil and calcium, and I had been miserable all these months and years.

It DAWNED on me again that those ingredients (kale, spinach, carrots, water, and pineapple) are the perfect medicines for pollen. I sat on this knowledge for almost one month to make sure there was no error in my hypothesis and conclusion. I made the smoothie several times with the same relief.

Finally, I could not contain myself. I was so ecstatic with my discovery that my first impulse was to share it with students, faculty, on my Twitter, and with anyone else. My initial thought should have been to contact any of the companies that would have helped me to bottle this miracle and sell it for millions of dollars.

Anyway, this is my gift to all pollen allergy sufferers. Go, make the smoothie, and live free!

Mix. Drink. Live.

--Frances Ohanenye maintains this unusual site. Click on the "Open Source Cooking" tab for enlightening information. Thanks for visiting. Have a fruitful day!


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