
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Case of Two Brands of Honey Roasted Peanuts

I wondered why my body was on fire each time I ate as little as 10 pieces of Walmart's Great Value Honey Roasted Peanuts. Pins jabbed me on the inside. I resolved to find out the reason. Walmart's Great Value Honey Roasted peanuts had many things to which I am allergic. The ingredients included peanut oil (double allergy), vegetable oil (probably corn--my worst allergy), cottonseed oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil. I am allergic to tree nuts and oils from seeds, maltodextrin (corn or wheat--other horrible allergies), and xanthan gum.  The warning said that it contains these allergies of mine: Tree nuts, other nuts, and all other things to which I am allergic--coconut (my horrible allergy), almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, wheat, pecans (another horrible allergy), sesame seeds (another horrible allergy).  It's no wonder my body was on fire. Thank God I didn't go into anaphylaxis and be forced to jab myself with E

Swap Jams & Jellies for This

Eating healthier has always been my goal. I eat healthy foods on a daily basis. My goal is to eat healthier today than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. I dislike the word "hack" simply because everyone has worn it out. Anyway, any physician will laud the benefits of olive oil and cinnamon. Why not combine them for a fresh taste and a fresher idea? Make a homemade topping for your waffles or pancakes. While you are at it, why not shake that cinnamon into your tea or coffee for a healthier boost? Your health will thank you.

Rich and Textured Salads Are My Specialty

I just love to make my salads rich, textured, and different from each other. The key is to add different types of protein: Egg, cold-water/wild-caught fish, nuts, skinless & boneless low-fat meat, beans, etc.  Other times I add these vegetables and fruits that are rich in protein: Broccoli, spinach, green peas, mushrooms, Brussell sprouts, arugula, and fruits: Mandarin orange strips, strawberries, and avocado. Left picture: Start with shredded lettuce; add one boiled egg, peanuts, and one can of sardine; mix. Middle: Add black olives, shredded carrots, and jalapenos. Right: Mix some more.  Enjoy the soft and crunchy combination! --Frances Ohanenye maintains this visual "cookbook" that features processes and ingredients in pictures. The offerings have evolved into vegetarian and food-allergy recipes. Other cooks and chefs should calibrate according to their locale, availability, and preference. Click on "Open Source Cooking" (

The Local Honey Has No Efficacy

I took one tablespoonful of local Marietta (GA) honey every day for 2-3 weeks. Despite the danger of weight gain from the honey, I needed relief. Pollen left me alone in Georgia, and I enjoyed the rest of my spring and summer oblivious of pollen.  I came back to Texas. The honey from Georgia wore out. I bought local honey from a Texan apiarist. It's not working, so I am back to suffering and allergy medication. The Texas honey cost almost twice as much as the allergy medicine. It is still ineffective. Local wisdom (no pun intended) said that local honey is defined as honey pollinated within 50 miles. This one I bought was pollinated in an apiary only 13 miles from me.

Dishwashers and Chemicals

The idea of using a dishwasher to clean my dishes and utensils causes my skin to crawl because of the debris, history, and inefficiency of the machine. The idea of using chemicals on my dishes and utensils cause me nightmare because of the carcinogenic consequences. I have been known to buy a dishwasher (and microwave) just to fill in spaces rather than ripping them out and leaving gaping holes. To slash a long story, I have always preferred to handwash my dishes than stick them in the dishwasher. With my recent work, life loads, and course loads, I loaded up the machine against my best judgment. It washed the dishes the first time and left white powdery substance at the end of the cycle. I turned it on again but without the chemical. The powder was gone.  Finding: I used a Kate Spade bowl to eat cereal and handwashed it. I had washed the sisters/brothers of the Kate Spade bowl in the dishwasher (above) two times. When both dried, I was going to place the handwashed bowl inside the dis