
Showing posts from March, 2023

Think Differently about Salad: Egg White Topping

I am still exploring the healthiest salad for the lowest calories. I love exploring ways to turn my salads vegetarian Ingredients: Shredded carrots, shredded lettuce, shredded leaf green lettuce, black olives (the fewest because black olives are fattening), scrambked egg whites, and salsa.

Red Onions and Rice Casserole

This is possibly the most delicious rice casserole I have cooked to date. It was sautéed onions in a frying pan and well-seasoned and cooked rice. Mix both in a bowl and pour on a bed of butter chunks. Turn over the mixture in the bakeware. The bottom becomes the top.  That was it!  It was so delicious that I finished it in 2-3 days. Serve with side dishes of steamed broccoli and spinach.

High Protein, High Octane

Keeping breakfast simple is my favorite thing to do most days. Ingredients: Egg white and pre-cooked and well-seasoned red beans There's no need for carbs. This delicious breakfast filled me up fast. Beans already have carbohydrates.

Quick & Easy Snack

I am in an 8-hour Zoom session, not self-imposed by any measure. I needed a quick and healthy snack. Ingredients: Two plain rice cakes, fat-free Greek yogurt, and peanuts. Turn off the Zoom camera. Enjoy! Drag the taste for a few minutes. Zoom can wait!