Strawberry Bottom Cheesecake in Pictures

Getting the events started the day before. I generally do not like to cook anything the day before since it looks and feels like leftover. However, the Strawberry Bottom Cheesecake needs a while to set.

Begin with fresh strawberries; chop into chunks.
Strawberry glaze--3 tablespoonfuls; mix
Mix some more.
Graham cracker pie crust
Line the bottom of crust with strawberry glaze.
Pour in the strawberry glaze mix and level.
4oz of sour cream, cream cheese, and whipped cream, a drop of liquid nutmeg extract, and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Whip until blended.
Scoop all cream cheese mix on top of strawberry glaze mix and level. Wipe around the corners to allow for closing of the cover. Fold pan edges around the rim of cover.
--Frances Ohanenye maintains this site. Please direct all inquiries and request for permission to use copyrighted material to Thanks for complying with my request.


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