If I Lived by Water, I Would Eat Salmon Daily

   "They" used to call this peasant potatoes. Since I don't consider myself a peasant by any means, and since I am trying to stay positive, I renamed it Pleasant Potatoes, and they are that, pleasant. Begin with olive oil and water on medium heat; add diced potatoes.
Add herbs, spices, and gently fried onions.
Beat low cholesterol eggs, but hold some of the yokes.
Poke diced potatoes with toothpick. If tookpick goes all the way through, they are cooked. Pour in beaten eggs.
Scramble together. When eggs are completely done, add cheese to one side and fold the rest of eggs and potatoes over cheese. Mold to form an omelet shape.
Serve with salmon; garnish with seedless grapes.
It seems like salmons are everywhere. They are found in lakes, ponds, rivers, and such called fresh water; it appears they migrate to cold water.

--Frances Ohanenye maintains this site. Please direct all inquiries and request for permission to use copyrighted material to starseller11@ymail.com. Thanks for complying with my request.


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