Garbanzo Beans as a Staple

Beans are a staple in my nutritional journey. Because some of them are high in carbohydrates, I do not add anything else with carb.

This week, I am packing garbanzo beans in small round bowls for lunch as my salad topping. I combined the beans with sautéed rings of red onion for extra aroma and taste. To add contrast to the garbanzo bean salad, I will sprinkle it with chopped, raw red bell pepper, the most nutritious of all the bell peppers.

Over the years, I have conducted hours of research on the benefits of most of the
beans. Garbanzo tops the list as the most nutritious available. It is packed with protein, calcium, cobalamin, iron, Vitamin B-6, magnesium, and so on. I love the taste and texture of this weird-shaped legume, which is also called chickpea.


--Frances Ohanenye maintains this unusual site. Click on the "Open Source Cooking" tab for enlightening information. Have a fruitful day!


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