Vibrant Vegetarian Okra Soup

I have not cooked or eaten okra/okro/okworo soup in a while. I cannot overemphasize the simplicity of this incredible vegetable.

Without meat or fish, it still tastes incredible! Believe me, I have testimonies as to the deliciousness of my okworo soup.

A friend came over one day to eat. He polished the entire mound of foo-foo, was uncomfortable, but he just could not stop eating because of the soup. He mows calls it “Your world-famous okworo soup”. 

Another testimony: When an older Nigerian mother who is a renowned cook and who owns a restaurant asks for your recipe for herself and for her daughter-in-law (who also ate my okworo soup), you know you should open your own restaurant!

Simple ingredients for this okra soup: 2-12 oz packs of Kroger southern-style cut okra, water, Knorr chicken bouillon, spinach, and crushed red pepper. THAT’S IT. No palm oil or any oil, no broth, no black pepper, no onions, etc.
I got both the spinach and the okra free with my Kroger Rewards mailed-in custom coupons. Eating well has never been this financially painless.

Okworo is like salmon: unfettered, not belabored, just simple and fabulous!

I eat my soup without foo-foo most of the time, just spoonfuls of my incredible okra soup without the bulge of carbs. In rare occasions when I choose to eat foo-foo, I make either sweet-potato or ripe plantain foo-foo; nothing heavy. Actually, my daughter likes my okra soup on rice. I will get the nerve to try that combination one day soon.

I added halibut fish to my okworo soup.

—-Frances Ohanenye maintains this visual "cookbook" that features processes and ingredients in pictures. Cooks and chefs need to calibrate according to their locale, availability, and preference. Please click on the "Open Source Cooking" tab for additional information. Thanks for visiting. Have a fruitful day


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